Executive Session A. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Routine Personnel Matters B. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Personnel Matters C. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act in Consultation with the Board's Attorney Regarding All Matters as Authorized by Law D. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act for Deliberations Regarding Employment, Duties, Evaluation, and Dismissal of Employee Including But Not Limited to Deliberation Regarding Consideration of Superintendent Recommendation to Propose Nonrenewal of Term Contract Employees
Special Presentations A. Recognition of Trustee Katherine Dawson's Service to Spring Branch ISD
Executive Session A. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Routine Personnel Matters B. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Personnel Matters C. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act in Consultation with the Board's Attorney Regarding All Matters as Authorized by Law D. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act for Deliberations Regarding Employment, Duties, Evaluation, and Dismissal of Employee Including But Not Limited to Deliberation Regarding Consideration of Superintendent Recommendation to Propose Nonrenewal of Term Contract Employees
3. Action as Needed from Executive Session A. Request for Approval of Routine Personnel Items B. Request for Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation to Propose Nonrenewal of Term Contract Employee at End of 2017-2018 Contract Term for Reasons as Stated in Board Policy DFBB, Consider Manner of Hearing, if any, and Authorize Superintendent to Provide Notice of Same (Kimblay West) C. Request for Approval of Agreement to Resolve Policy DGBA Complaint of Ms. Dulce Segovia, and Authorized the Superintendent to Execute All Necessary Documents 8. Meeting Adjourned
Executive Session A. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Routine Personnel Matters B. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Personnel Matters C. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act in Consultation with the Board's Attorney Regarding All Matters as Authorized by Law D. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act for Deliberations Regarding Employment, Duties, Evaluation, and Dismissal of Employee Including But Not Limited to Deliberation Regarding Consideration of Superintendent Recommendation to Propose Nonrenewal of Term Contract Employees
Special Presentations A. Recognition of Trustee Katherine Dawson's Service to Spring Branch ISD
Executive Session A. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Routine Personnel Matters B. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act Regarding Personnel Matters C. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.071 of the Texas Open Meetings Act in Consultation with the Board's Attorney Regarding All Matters as Authorized by Law D. The Board Will Meet in Closed Session Under Section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act for Deliberations Regarding Employment, Duties, Evaluation, and Dismissal of Employee Including But Not Limited to Deliberation Regarding Consideration of Superintendent Recommendation to Propose Nonrenewal of Term Contract Employees
3. Action as Needed from Executive Session A. Request for Approval of Routine Personnel Items B. Request for Consideration of Superintendent’s Recommendation to Propose Nonrenewal of Term Contract Employee at End of 2017-2018 Contract Term for Reasons as Stated in Board Policy DFBB, Consider Manner of Hearing, if any, and Authorize Superintendent to Provide Notice of Same (Kimblay West) C. Request for Approval of Agreement to Resolve Policy DGBA Complaint of Ms. Dulce Segovia, and Authorized the Superintendent to Execute All Necessary Documents 8. Meeting Adjourned