Video index
1. Pledge: Secretary Caroline H. Bennett
2. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
4. A. Recognition of SBISD Retirees
4. B. Recognition of High School Speech and Debate Students Qualifying for State and National Tournaments
4. C. Recognition of Student Athletes, Trainers and Coaches
4. D. Recognition of 4th Grade Golf Team for Award Earned at the First Tee Champions Challenge
5. Public Comment on Agenda Items or Non-Agenda Items
6. Executive Session
7.A. Request for Approval of Routine Personnel Items
Items 8 & 9
10. A. Request for Approval of the 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct
10. B. Request for Approval of 2023-2024 Student Handbook
11. Consent Agenda Action Items
11.C. Request for Approval of Contract Awards
12. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
May 22, 2023 Board Meetings
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Pledge: Secretary Caroline H. Bennett
2. Opening Remarks by the Superintendent
4. A. Recognition of SBISD Retirees
4. B. Recognition of High School Speech and Debate Students Qualifying for State and National Tournaments
4. C. Recognition of Student Athletes, Trainers and Coaches
4. D. Recognition of 4th Grade Golf Team for Award Earned at the First Tee Champions Challenge
5. Public Comment on Agenda Items or Non-Agenda Items
6. Executive Session
7.A. Request for Approval of Routine Personnel Items
Items 8 & 9
10. A. Request for Approval of the 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct
10. B. Request for Approval of 2023-2024 Student Handbook
11. Consent Agenda Action Items
11.C. Request for Approval of Contract Awards
12. Closing Remarks by the Superintendent
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